Sinusitis, migraine... Any problem is an unbearable headache. You cannot do anything. Even if you take headache pills, the result is zero. In fact, only homeopathic medicine can provide a permanent solution to these problems. Many people do not know this, and even if they know, they suffer from headaches for a long time due to negligence. But once they take homeopathic treatment, they will get permanent relief from these problems, says Dr. Ravikiran, a renowned homeopathic doctor.
When there is extreme pain in the sinuses due to viral, bacterial, or fungal infection, it is called sinusitis. The chambers around the nose and eyes are called sinuses. When we breathe, air passes from the nose into the sinuses. They are responsible for bringing the inhaled air to a temperate state.
Main causes
When mucus accumulates in the sinus chambers, bacteria and other germs grow and the respiratory tract becomes infected, causing a bacterial infection in the sinuses. As a result, the problem of severe sinusitis begins. This problem remains unresolved for a long time. This is called chronic sinusitis.
How to diagnose the disease? Frequent colds and suffering from colds for long periods of time are the basic symptoms of sinus disease. In the later stages, when you have a cold, your nose becomes stuffy. Your head feels heavy. On top of that, yellow-green and green fluids start coming out of your nose. It is accompanied by severe headache, cough, and bad breath.
The disease can be diagnosed by doing some tests. Simple X-rays are not effective. Diagnosis of the disease is made easier by using a fiber optic scope. In some cases, a CT scan is required. MRI is also beneficial. Along with these, allergy tests and blood tests are required.
Homeopathy is the only treatment that provides a permanent solution to sinus problems. With this treatment, sinusitis can be completely reduced without the need for surgery. Moreover, there are no side effects. Other treatments only provide temporary relief but do not provide a permanent solution.
Migraine is a pulsating headache. It affects one side of the head. It is a chronic disease. A neurological disorder. The pain starts on one side of the head. There is a feeling of tingling, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. When a migraine headache starts, objects may appear blurry or have motor disturbances.
Who gets it?
This problem is seen in 3 percent more women than men. Teenage girls and boys have migraines. There is a fifty percent chance that children will get it hereditary, regardless of which parent they are.
How many stages are there?
There are usually four stages. However, not everyone may have all four stages. Some people may have two stages.
PRODROME: Occurs in 40 to 60 percent of people. Symptoms such as stiff neck and dizziness appear a day or a few hours before the migraine headache.
AURA: This occurs 20 to 30 minutes before the migraine headache. Symptoms include the appearance of black and white spots in the eyes and the formation of zigzag lines.
PAIN: The pain starts on one side of the head and spreads to both sides. The pain lasts for 48 to 72 hours. This migraine pain occurs once a week or once a month. In some people, it occurs daily. Even if the migraine pain subsides, its effect lasts for a few days. Symptoms include headache, drowsiness, and heaviness in the head.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicine is unique in that it provides treatment based on the severity of the disease and the underlying causes. That is why homeopathic treatment permanently reduces the problem of migraine. It is not a temporary solution, but a permanent solution. If treatment is taken under the supervision of experienced homeopathic doctors, one can get rid of migraine. The following medicines are very useful in treating migraine.
GLONINE: Even a migraine headache that does not go away can be completely cured with this medicine.
Belladonna: This is a good medicine for migraine headaches. It is a medicine that can be used even if the headache is triggered by small noises, light, or if there is pain when lying down.