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Showing posts with label skinhealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skinhealth. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

If you apply this cream and toner to your face every morning,it is sure to glow..

First,wash your skin with cold water.Now take the toner on a cotton ball and gently massage it on the face and neck area.

Every morning you should take special care for your skin.This is called morning skin care routine.Every day the skin is strained in many ways.Sun,dust,pollution, sweat,extreme heat or cold are many factors that stress the skin.With that,the skin is at risk of losing its natural glow.The following skin care morning routine will help you a lot to bring back the glow in your skin.

Skin health can be maintained with a simple daily routine.Every skin type is different.By knowing what works for your skin,you can make the appropriate skin care routine a part of your daily life.By doing this you will create friendship with your skin.Skin problems can be understood immediately.This toner is perfect for all skin types.

Aloe Vera Rose Water Toner

Now we are telling you about a simple morning routine that can be easily added in the daily routine.It only needs two ingredients.Aloe vera and rose water can do wonders.It works like a toner.Makes the face smooth,soft and toned.Makes the skin healthy and brings glow.This remedy also works for sensitive skin.Reduces breakouts,acne and inflammation.Reduces rashes and itching.

Take some rose water in the morning.In it,add some aloe vera gel.A simple toner is ready.First,take an aloe vera leaf,wash it clean and extract the gel from it.If there is no aloe vera plant,it is better to use aloe vera gels available in the market.

After that,take some rose petals from the rose.Wash clean.Put the gel as well as these rose petals in a blender.Both these should be made into a paste like liquid.After all,the toner is completely ready. Store it either in a jar or in a clean bottle.

It will last for about 5 to 7 days if stored in the fridge.If you want to increase the shelf life of the toner,add some Vitamin E oil to this mixture.It is even better if vitamin e capsule is added.Also, you can add essential oil of your choice.

Why use aloe vera in skin care?

Aloe vera has cooling properties.Also,we can observe anti-inflammatory properties in it.That's why it can be said to be a great ingredient that helps in skin care. This gel forms a protective layer on the skin.Helps retain moisture in the skin.The antioxidants and minerals present in it boost the skin healing process.

Why use rose water?

Wondering why rose water has a special place in every household?It has many properties that enhance skin beauty.Rose water is suitable for all skin types.So,those with oily,dry and combination skin can add rose water to their beauty routine.Rose water helps to maintain the pH balance of the skin.It also controls excess oil production. Provides freshness to the skin.

How to Apply:

First wash your face with cold water.Now take the toner in a cotton ball.Apply the toner gently on the face and neck with the help of a cotton ball.Don't forget to apply moisturizer afterwards.


By applying this toner daily you will notice the following changes:

1.This toner tightens the skin. Stretchy skin is not pretty.With this toner,the skin can be brought back into good condition.

2.Soothing and soothing effect on the skin throughout the day.So it feels fresh.The soothing effect on the skin also relaxes the mind.

3.Sunburns fade quickly.Minor skin injuries are also reduced.

4.The effect of acne breakouts is reduced now than before.

5.Improves blood circulation.With that,the skin becomes healthy and youthful

6.Pimples,rashes and other skin issues are reduced.

7.Evens skin tone.Any skin tone is caused by hyperpigmentation. Dark patches and dark spots appear on the skin due to excess production of the pigment melanin.All these make the skin look aged.So,if you include this homemade special toner in your daily morning routine, you will have flawless skin.

So,knowing how to take skin care with aloe vera plus rose water?You too can follow and reap the skin benefits.

Note:These details are provided according to experts and studies.This article is for your information only.For any minor problem related to beauty and health,the best way is to consult a doctor.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Using baking soda will eliminate your skin and hair problems?

Baking powder…it’s not just for cooking.It can also help keep your skin and hair healthy.

Find out how Using baking soda in this way will eliminate your skin and hair problems.Baking soda… We use it mostly in our homes. 

Baking powder can be used for a variety of purposes in cooking

It has many benefits, from relieving heartburn to whitening teeth. It has antibacterial,antifungal,antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties

All of these things are very good for your health. However, they can also be used on your hair and skin.

 Let's find out what the benefits are... 


In summer,the sun gets stronger and causes problems such as sunburn and sunspots.It relieves inflammation and irritation caused by heat.

It prevents swelling caused by heat.For skin whitening... 

Baking powder is cheap.It brightens the skin when used.In addition,it removes dead skin cells and balances the pH level, which makes your skin look beautiful.

Removes grease

Some people have oily and smelly hair.Baking soda removes the oil from the hair.Prevents odor.Maintains scalp pH level, keeping it clean and healthy.However,excessive use is not good for hair and skin.Before use,check that it does not come into contact with skin.This will eliminate skin problems.

For your feet...

For many people,the skin on the soles of their feet becomes hard.In addition,if you want to solve the problem of calluses,soak your feet in water with baking soda and scrub to remove dust and calluses. 

Additional benefits... According to dermatologists,baking soda acts as a natural exfoliant.It also removes dead skin cells and brightens the skin.Keeps bacteria away. Removes skin inflammation,acne and blemishes.Using baking soda may dry out the skin.

Note:We recommend that you seek professional advice before use.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mixing ghee with milk and drinking it can provide the following benefits:

Both milk and ghee have many health benefits.Check out the benefits of consuming these two products together:

Ghee contains butyric acid.It is very good for digestion.It also promotes the growth of good bacteria.Drinking ghee mixed with milk will eliminate your digestive problems.Moreover,you will find out how many other benefits you get from drinking both together. 

Ghee is a source of medium chain triglycerides.It helps you digest food easily and converts it into energy.Drinking both together will increase your metabolism. 

Will eating ghee make you gain weight? Drinking ghee mixed with milk increases your energy.It makes the body lighter and more beautiful.It makes you look younger.It is very helpful in maintaining good health.It helps in maintaining healthy skin.Its most important nutrients provide adequate nourishment to the skin.Reduces skin irritation.Improves appearance. 

Good Sleep Drinking ripi with warm milk and ghee before going to bed helps you sleep better.Milk contains tryptophan.It calms you down. You will fall asleep with this. 


Adding ghee in moderation to your daily diet helps you to lose weight.Consuming ghee reduces your calorie intake.This reduces weight.For Glowing Skin Consuming it is not just good for your health. It has beauty benefits too.Mixing ghee with warm milk improves your skin.Ghee contains soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, which are extremely good for skin health. 


Ghee contains anti-inflammatory compounds such as omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid.Drinking ghee mixed with milk reduces inflammation.It reduces arthritis.

Stress Distance 

Another important benefit of drinking this milk is that it reduces mental stress.It calms the mind and reduces anxiety. 

Looking for an easy way to give your body an all-natural boost? Optimizing your blood sugar levels is a great place to start.

Note: This information is based on health experts and research.This article is for informational purposes only.Results of following these recommendations may vary from person to person.We recommend consulting a nutritionist before following these recommendations.