Showing posts with label Fitness Workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness Workout. Show all posts

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Isn't it good to eat egg yolk? What is the truth?

Egg yolks are nutrient-rich, offering essential vitamins A, D, E, and B12, along with healthy fats and protein. 

They support eye health, boost brain function, and promote skin health. While they contain cholesterol, moderate consumption is generally considered safe for most people and can be part of a balanced diet. It is a myth that eating brown eggs is healthier than white eggs. 

The truth is.. No matter what kind of eggs you eat, there is no difference in their nutrients. Many people have a misconception that a darker shell is better. That is not true. It is also untrue that eating a lot of chicken eggs will increase cholesterol. 

An egg rich in neutrinos has a sickening property. It is also a myth that eating yolk is not good. It is very helpful for muscle tension. It is not true that you will lose weight if you skip breakfast. Because the body needs good food after waking up. 

There is no problem in taking food rich in protein and nutrients along with food rich in fiber. Even if you eat good breakfast, there will be no problem if you do regular workouts.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fitness: To melt back fat..!

To effectively melt back fat, combine strength training and cardiovascular exercises. Focus on compound movements like rows and dead lifts to build muscle, while incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to boost metabolism. Pair workouts with a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats for optimal results.

Some special exercises should be done to melt the accumulated fat behind the back. Because of this fat that accumulates behind the shoulders and above the waist

Some special exercises should be done to melt the accumulated fat behind the back. behind the shoulders,This fat that accumulates above the waist makes the upper part of the body look fat and chubby. Do these exercises to get rid of this problem. Squat jumps: With this exercise, the arms, legs and the whole body get a workout. How to do...

• Stand up straight and bend the knees and squat down. • In this posture the body should be bent like a wall chair. • From this posture, stand up straight and jump up into the air. • While flying the body should be straight and the arms should be parallel to the body. • Come back into a wall chair pose by bending the knees as the fly hits the ground. • Do 3 sets of 20 times each.Reverse Lunge: This exercise melts the fat accumulated around the legs, thighs and back. How to do.. • Stand straight and keep your hands on your waist. • Bend the left knee and take the right leg two feet forward. • While doing this the left knee should touch the floor. • Bring the right leg back and bring the left leg forward. • While doing this the right knee should touch the ground. In this way both the legs should be changed and reverse lunge should be done. • Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Rare Deltoid Rotations: This exercise is done with 2.5 kg weights. How to do... • Stand straight and take weights in hands. Extend both arms to the sides, bring them back to the chest and rest the dumbbells. • Back both arms should be stretched to the sides. • Inhale while extending the arms and exhale while bringing them to the chest. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Morning walk help you lose weight?

Several studies have shown that early morning walks have many benefits. 

Walking for 30 minutes every day on an empty stomach has many benefits in burning belly fat.

Blood pressure control… 

Early morning walks can help lower your blood pressure.They can also help prevent problems like heart attacks and strokes. So it's good to go for a walk every morning. 

Weight control...

Walking burns calories.This also means you lose weight.Going for a walk especially in the morning on an empty stomach gives you energy.Your mind is refreshed and your body is active. 


Taking a walk in the morning on an empty stomach improves digestion.This helps to avoid many problems.That's why many people prefer to go for a walk early in the morning. In addition, the brain also works better. 

Mental health.. 

Many people today suffer from tension. To avoid this, it is a good idea to take a 30-minute walk in the morning.Why not try a walk in nature early in the morning? Most people will develop a positive attitude. 

Good sleep..

A walk every morning is like a workout.It refreshes the body and helps you sleep.Vitamin D is especially important. 

Therefore,it is a good idea to take a walk early in the morning

Note:This information is based on health experts and research.This article is for informational purposes only.Results of following these recommendations may vary from person to person,we recommend consulting a nutritionist before following these recommendations.