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Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Health Tips : This is the drink that increases stomach health.. !

Fenugreek seeds are mainly used in our Indian cuisine. From curries to pickles, dill is always present in some way. Fenugreek and fenugreek are very nutritious.

Fenugreek water is a great medicine for people with diabetes if they drink it immediately after their meals. Made with fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, turmeric and cinnamon, this drink gives good health and energy.

Fenugreek seeds are mainly used in our Indian cuisine. From curries to pickles, dill is always present in some way. Fenugreek and fenugreek are very nutritious.

Fenugreek water is a great medicine for people with diabetes if they drink it immediately after their meals. Made with fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, turmeric and cinnamon, this drink gives good health and energy. Boosts immunity and intestinal health. Fenugreek lowers blood sugar.

Helps in weight loss. Soak fenugreek overnight to speed up metabolism. How to take it.. Fenugreek is a great solution for diabetes, weight loss and loss of appetite.

1 or 2 teaspoons of washed fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight and taken in the morning. It speeds up metabolism.

Lowers cholesterol levels. Constipation problem is under control. Fenugreek contains glucomannan fiber. They delay the absorption of sugar in the intestines. The amino acids in it act on the pancreas to release insulin.

Fenugreek seeds reduce skin dryness and irritation. Taking these ingredients together with fenugreek as a drink in the morning will not harm the health of the stomach.

Anise seeds have anti-spasmodic properties. They provide relief from bloating and gas. Relaxes the digestive muscles and helps in digestion.

Cinnamon provides anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial benefits. Helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

Curcumin in turmeric reduces inflammation. It improves intestinal health.

A drink that combines all these improves digestion. If taken regularly, it relieves asthma and gas problems.

(Note:The content of article for informational purposes only.It is provided as per the advice of health professionals & Consult a medical professional if you have any doubts....)

Superfood Rosehip: Have you ever eaten this rosehip..!

Rosehips, the small pods of rose plants, are rich in many powerful nutrients, antioxidants, and fatty acids.

There is no one who does not like beautiful, cute and attractive rose flowers. Many products like rose milk and rose water are made with roses as a symbol of love. Not only rose flower but also rose fruit has great health benefits. The fruits of the rose tree are called hip berries.

Tea is made from these rose fruits. Can be mixed in jams and jellies. There are many benefits of taking rose fruits fresh rather than processing them like this.

Rosehips, the small pods of rose plants, are rich in many powerful nutrients, antioxidants, and fatty acids.

What are the benefits of these?

Rosa canina is a species of wild rose found in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Its fruits provide many health benefits. Rosehip extract contains polyphenols, anthocyanins. They reduce joint inflammation and prevent joint damage. These fruits have antioxidant properties. It is especially rich in vitamin C properties. Syrups and powder are made from these fruits. It can also be consumed in the form of tea. Boosts the immune system.

Rosehip boosts immunity. Rich in vitamins C, A, and E. They increase the production of white blood cells. Boosts immune function and works against infections. Reduces inflammation. . Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the legs.

Skin nutrition

These fruits also help in skin nutrition and stop premature aging. Health Tips : Is it healthy to drink water early in the morning on an empty stomach..!

Side effects of this rose fruit.. These side effects are usually mild. Allergies Constipation diarrhea There is fire in the heart.

So these fruit products should be used only on the advice of the doctor.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Health Tips: Deficiency of Omega 3 in the body causes so many problems..!!

Can be obtained through oily fish like salmon, tuna, sardines. Chia, flax seeds and walnuts also contain Omega 3. 

These fatty acids are essential for various functions in the body. They increase brain and heart function.

A balanced diet and exercise are essential for the body to function properly and healthily without any problems. Even if there is a deficiency of any vitamin and mineral that keeps the body healthy, its effect on the organs is very high. Healthy fats are just as important as vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy. Omega 3 fatty acid is one of these fats. Let's find out how the organs are affected when there is a deficiency of Omega 3 in the body.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for good health. Lack of omega 3 acids can have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are healthy fats that the body needs. These are also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids also help to reduce inflammation in the body. These can be obtained through oily fish like salmon, tuna, sardines. 

Chia, flax seeds and walnuts also contain Omega 3. These fatty acids are essential for various functions in the body. They increase brain and heart function. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for heart health. Protects against heart diseases by controlling cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Omega 3 plays a role in lowering triglycerides and balancing BP. It also reduces blood clotting and inflammation.

If Omega is lacking in the body..

1. Deficiency of omega weakens immunity. Diseases can occur very quickly.

2. Bleeding becomes more frequent during periods and pregnancy.

3. Deficiency of Omega 3 can lead to brain function problems. Lack of concentration. Can't focus on anything. 

Health Tips : If you feel stressed, is your mouth dry.. What else is this a sign of..!

4. Extreme anger, irritability, anxiety are also problems of Omega 3 deficiency.

5. Kidney function is not good. Toxins accumulate in the body.

6. Deficiency of Omega 3 causes dry eyes and cataracts.

Note:The contents are for informational purposes only.It is provided as per the advice of health professionals.Consult a medical professional if you have any doubts.

Healthy Teas : How healthy are these teas from ginger to dandelion...!

Warm tea increases energy. Keeps fresh all day. Some of the herbal teas that we take help flush out toxins from the body. Most of us have a habit of having tea in the morning.

Warm tea boosts spirits. Keeps fresh all day. Some of the herbal teas that we take help flush out toxins from the body. Most of us have a habit of having tea in the morning. A day without tea is something different. But some types of tea have more health benefits in addition to excitement.

Ginger Tea.. Tea made with spicy ginger especially its anti-inflammatory properties has the property of reducing the swelling in the arteries. A compound like gingerol in ginger improves blood circulation. Helps flush out toxins from the bloodstream. Green tea.. Usually those who want to lose weight choose green tea. It contains cotechins, which help improve blood vessel function by lowering cholesterol levels. Protects arteries from damage and improves heart health.

Hibiscus tea.. We know hibiscus flowers as symbols of devotion. We pray to God with these. Tea made with hibiscus is special. Antioxidants in it help in lowering blood pressure. Improves the functioning of arteries.,

Turmeric Tea. Curcumin is abundant in turmeric. Drinking turmeric tea reduces inflammation of the arteries. Supports a healthy heart. 

Dandelion Tea.. Dandelion tea has natural diuretic properties. They help in removing excess fluid and toxins from the body. Support liver function. Contributes to the health of the arteries.

We should make good choices in the teas we take in the morning to increase pleasure as well as health. Eating healthy teas along with a balanced diet and exercise will definitely boost your mood and energy.

Note:This information is based on health experts and research.This article is for informational purposes only.Results of following these recommendations may vary from person to person,we recommend consulting a nutritionist before following these recommendations.

Health Tips: What are the main causes of fatty liver disease in children?

Poor eating habits and lack of physical activity can lead to liver disease. Children under the age of ten are also susceptible to the disease.
The more children play, the healthier they are. Nowadays, children who go to school have to wrestle with studies all day long, leaving no time to play games. Due to sitting all day and getting used to junk food, many health problems occur at a young age. Due to lack of physical activity in children, the problem of liver disease is haunting in childhood.

Let's find out the solutions for this.

Liver disease increases in children who sit for more than six hours. Sitting still for long periods of time can cause fat to accumulate in the liver. It is associated with obesity, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome. Sitting still in the same room or with a computer, tab, phone can damage the liver.

Less chance of physical activity in children compared to earlier, lack of proper lifestyle, study pressures, lack of sleep, lack of space to play around school, consumption of junk foods instead of balanced diet also increase the risk of liver disease.

If you don't sleep for six hours.. Studying children should sleep for six hours. Avoid screen while sleeping. Studies have shown that the risk of developing fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis is significantly increased in children who do not have this.

Fatty liver disease
Fatty liver disease usually occurs in children when excess fat (triglycerides) accumulates in the liver.
What are the causes of liver disease in children?

Liver disease occurs mainly due to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity. Children under the age of ten are also susceptible to the disease.

Risk factors for the disease..

1. Obesity
2. Insulin resistance
3. Type 2 diabetes
4. High cholesterol
5. Fatty liver disease is up to 38 percent in obese children.
6. Liver disease can also have genetic causes. If present in parents there is a possibility of inheritance.

When children play games that involve physical activity, sleep at the right time, eat a balanced diet. 

Fatty liver disease can be reduced by appropriate lifestyle changes.

Note: These details are provided according to health experts and studies. This article is for your information only. The results of following these are individual only. The best way is to consult a dietitian before following these. Can observe.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Walking or jogging..which is better for weight loss..!

No matter how many attempts are made by anyone to lose weight,they include walking,running,jogging,and other physical exercises.These help in leading a healthy lifestyle.But..

No matter how many attempts are made by anyone to lose weight,they include walking,running,jogging,and other physical exercises.These help in leading a healthy lifestyle.But people of any age choose walking without hesitation.Some of the youth choose jogging to lose weight.But walking,jogging,which is better for weight loss? Which is more effective?If you know what will get more results..


Walking can be done by people of any age without any hesitation.Walking can be done in groups.Having a treadmill at home also helps walking.For those new to exercise,walking gives a good start to their fitness journey.Walking briskly for 30 minutes daily can easily burn 150-200 calories.

There are also different types of walking.If you are aware of these,you will get much better results.Also choosing a better place for walking will not cause any discomfort while walking.


Jogging is intermediate between walking and running.This comes under intense exercise.Helps burn calories faster.It is a good choice for those who want to lose weight.This increases heart rate and metabolic rate.150-200 calories are burned if you stay active for 30 minutes.Jogging for the same 30 minutes will easily burn 300-400 calories.

Jogging strengthens the muscles.As the body movement in jogging is faster than walking,the entire body is flexible. 

Jogging is effective in keeping weight under control for a long time.But not everyone can do jogging.People with knee pains,old age,pregnant women,people who have undergone surgeries and heart operations should not do jogging without doctor's advice.

What is better?

It's not just about how many calories you burn while exercising for weight loss,it's also important how consistently you lose weight.The results of walking are consistent.Also walking does not cause leg pains,joint pains or other injuries.So it is safe.

Although jogging is healthy,it is not suitable for people who are sick or have problems like leg pain.Physically weak people should stay away from jogging as they tire quickly.But those who can jog will get more benefits than walking.

Both walking and jogging are good for heart health.Both of these can be made part of exercise.Walking should be done on few days of the week and jogging on other days.It also prevents you from getting bored of exercise.But it is necessary to be careful.

(Note:The contents are for informational purposes only.It is provided as per the advice of health professionals.Consult a medical professional if you have any doubts.)

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Health Tips: Women between the ages of 30 and 40 should definitely get these checkups..

Women need to take some precautions to stay healthy. Getting some tests is a must. This is something you should know.

No matter how healthy you are, regular medical checkups are important. This will help protect you from future problems. For example, you should have regular medical checkups to check ifyou have blood pressure. 

This will help detect problems such as elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels early. Theyhave no symptoms, but the disease can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. Women, in particular, will need to undergo some tests.

Colorectal Cancer

Once you're over 40, it's important to have regular screening tests to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer. These include sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. If you're under 40, talk to your doctor about screening. Get tested for any risk factors, such as inflammatory bowel disease or a history of polyps.

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Tests

To make sure your heart is healthy, you should have your blood pressure and cholesterol tests done. This is because the risk of heart disease increases with age. To reduce the risk of this condition, you should have a cholesterol test done.

A bone density test is also called a bone density scan or DEXA scan. It is an x-ray test that checks for calcium and other minerals in your bones. This helps determine the strength and thickness of bones. Bone strength decreases with age. Women between the ages of 30 and 40 should undergo bone density testing. This will reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Diabetes testing

Diabetes testing is important. The risk of obesity and diabetes increases with age. If you have no risk factors for diabetes, you should get a diabetes test at age 35. It should be done after 3 years. 

If you have other risk factors for diabetes, you should be screened earlier. If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, prediabetes, or a history of heart disease. 

If you are trying to become pregnant and are overweight, have high blood pressure, or have other risk factors, you should be screened for diabetes earlier. Breast Cancer Screening Women over 40 should be screened for breast cancer.

Mammograms should be done annually or every two years. If you have a family history of cancer, you should be proactive. People over 30 should perform breast self-exams every 3-4 months. Breast exams by a gynecologist should be done every 3 years from age 20 to 35, and once a year from age 35 onwards.

When you lower your body’s blood sugar levels, you help activate your body’s natural restoration potential. This unlocks a wide range of associated benefits, including improved blood circulation, reduced fatigue, and increased energy levels.

Note: This information is based on health experts and research. This article is for illustrative purposes only.