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Showing posts with label natural remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural remedies. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Health Tips : This is the drink that increases stomach health.. !

Fenugreek seeds are mainly used in our Indian cuisine. From curries to pickles, dill is always present in some way. Fenugreek and fenugreek are very nutritious.

Fenugreek water is a great medicine for people with diabetes if they drink it immediately after their meals. Made with fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, turmeric and cinnamon, this drink gives good health and energy.

Fenugreek seeds are mainly used in our Indian cuisine. From curries to pickles, dill is always present in some way. Fenugreek and fenugreek are very nutritious.

Fenugreek water is a great medicine for people with diabetes if they drink it immediately after their meals. Made with fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, turmeric and cinnamon, this drink gives good health and energy. Boosts immunity and intestinal health. Fenugreek lowers blood sugar.

Helps in weight loss. Soak fenugreek overnight to speed up metabolism. How to take it.. Fenugreek is a great solution for diabetes, weight loss and loss of appetite.

1 or 2 teaspoons of washed fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight and taken in the morning. It speeds up metabolism.

Lowers cholesterol levels. Constipation problem is under control. Fenugreek contains glucomannan fiber. They delay the absorption of sugar in the intestines. The amino acids in it act on the pancreas to release insulin.

Fenugreek seeds reduce skin dryness and irritation. Taking these ingredients together with fenugreek as a drink in the morning will not harm the health of the stomach.

Anise seeds have anti-spasmodic properties. They provide relief from bloating and gas. Relaxes the digestive muscles and helps in digestion.

Cinnamon provides anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial benefits. Helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

Curcumin in turmeric reduces inflammation. It improves intestinal health.

A drink that combines all these improves digestion. If taken regularly, it relieves asthma and gas problems.

(Note:The content of article for informational purposes only.It is provided as per the advice of health professionals & Consult a medical professional if you have any doubts....)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

How to get rid of blackness on elbows..

Most people have black elbows.Some tips can be followed to avoid this problem.Everyone prepares these with the ingredients available at home and avoids the problem.

If the whole body is well colored and the hands are shiny and the elbows are black,it is not good to look at all.That's why many people take expensive creams and parlor treatments to get rid of such problem.

Apart from that,following some tips will reduce the problem

Moreover,these do not have any major side effects.


Take almonds and soak them in green milk.After that making them into a whole paste will reduce the problem.

Aloe vera..

Aloe vera is a good solution for skin problems.You can use this to get rid of the problem.Take aloe vera gel and mix it with honey and apply it on the elbows.Writing like that will reduce the blackness on the elbows.So,doing this regularly will make the problem go away.

Yellow Turmeric also works well to remove blackheads from the skin.Turmeric,honey and milk should be taken in equal parts.These should be made into a paste.Apply on the problem area.Keep it for six and then clean it with warm water.

Coconut oil..

Coconut oil has many great properties.Mix a little lemon juice in this coconut oil.Apply it on elbows.Clean it up afterwards.


Sugar also works as a good natural exfoliator.Rubbing sugar and olive oil on the elbows will reduce the problem to a great extent.

Peanut flour..

Groundnut also has many great properties.Writing this will reduce the blackness on the elbows.Take gram flour and add curd to it.Write it on the elbows.After drying clean with warm water.


The great properties of mint apply mint paste on elbows to remove blackheads.For this,take mint leaves and grind them finely.It should be applied on the elbows and cleaned after drying.Curd..

Take some curd and add vinegar to it.Mix well and apply on the problem area and clean with water.

Note:These details are provided according to experts and studies.This article is for your information only.For any minor problem related to beauty and health,the best way is to consult a doctor.

Doing this with castor leaves will reduce body pains?

Castor oil has many special properties.Along with this oil..even if you use castor leaves,you will get all those benefits.

A lot of castor oil is being used with increased awareness. This has many benefits.This oil has been used since ancient times.This oil has many benefits. This oil is used in many ways in Ayurveda.It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.They do everything from healing wounds to relieving constipation.

Benefits of castor oil..

Castor leaves were used in many ways in the past.Due to this,it is used for problems like leg pain,hand pain,knee pain,back pain, neck pain,shoulder pain.

Benefits of castor oil..

Generally,castor oil can be used once in 15 days for 10 ml to reduce stomach worms from children to adults.Regular use can reduce problems like indigestion, piles, etc

To reduce the pain..

To reduce the pain..

What to do for pain relief is to take castor leaves and cut them into small pieces and fry them in oil.Then tie them in a cloth..Put the cloth of fried leaves with oil on the painful area. Tie a knot there if possible.Due to this it acts as a pain reliever.

Before use

Castor oil works well for indigestion.It can cure stomach problems very well.It is best to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before using it for this.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Using baking soda will eliminate your skin and hair problems?

Baking powder…it’s not just for cooking.It can also help keep your skin and hair healthy.

Find out how Using baking soda in this way will eliminate your skin and hair problems.Baking soda… We use it mostly in our homes. 

Baking powder can be used for a variety of purposes in cooking

It has many benefits, from relieving heartburn to whitening teeth. It has antibacterial,antifungal,antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties

All of these things are very good for your health. However, they can also be used on your hair and skin.

 Let's find out what the benefits are... 


In summer,the sun gets stronger and causes problems such as sunburn and sunspots.It relieves inflammation and irritation caused by heat.

It prevents swelling caused by heat.For skin whitening... 

Baking powder is cheap.It brightens the skin when used.In addition,it removes dead skin cells and balances the pH level, which makes your skin look beautiful.

Removes grease

Some people have oily and smelly hair.Baking soda removes the oil from the hair.Prevents odor.Maintains scalp pH level, keeping it clean and healthy.However,excessive use is not good for hair and skin.Before use,check that it does not come into contact with skin.This will eliminate skin problems.

For your feet...

For many people,the skin on the soles of their feet becomes hard.In addition,if you want to solve the problem of calluses,soak your feet in water with baking soda and scrub to remove dust and calluses. 

Additional benefits... According to dermatologists,baking soda acts as a natural exfoliant.It also removes dead skin cells and brightens the skin.Keeps bacteria away. Removes skin inflammation,acne and blemishes.Using baking soda may dry out the skin.

Note:We recommend that you seek professional advice before use.